Morning Commute…




I journey through fractures –

the jolting disconnect

of head-down people

unseeing the sunrise.



Fallen frangipanis lie, an offeringIMG_20190220_075555

to grimed concrete, and

the sacred ibis, hierophant,

wanders shamed in bin-bird city feathers





The painted voice in the subway

sings “Yaama…”* to the un-hearing stream

flowing by too fast,

shutting out the past and

hurrying into the stifling future.



The sign for party platters frontsIMG_20190220_081531

an empty shelf, and the accordion player

strikes up a merry waltz

but no-one is dancing.



Under their hasty feet

the fractures spread

until change will break

through as inevitably as the

morning sun.


*”Yaama” is the Dharug word meaning “hello” used in several Aboriginal languages in the region around Sydney, NSW.

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